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How Online Classes Work
At DeVry University, we strive to make every resource available to both on campus and online learners, whether that means creating a virtual library or providing academic support and advice 12 hours a day. The best way, though, to know if enrolling at DeVry online is right for you is to understand what students experience when they attend online classes everyday.

Explore DeVry University's Online Courses
How Online Classes Work
Online classes at DeVry University are designed from the beginning to give you the tools to succeed, with all the class's information and materials available to you from a week before the class even starts. Every online class is created based on a syllabus and presented online using an ordered, easy-to-follow framework.

Each week's assignments, topics and discussions are contained on a tab specific to the week in which they were assigned. You can access any week from the DeVry University online learning platform. As each online course progresses, you have access to all the notes, instructor lectures and chats you've engaged in up to that point, as well as all the course materials.

One of the most important parts of being successful while taking online courses is actively working with your peers. That's why all of our web-based classes feature robust discussions threads, chat features and optional group projects, where students reach out to one another via phone, email and chat to complete assignments together.

And the dialogue and interaction extends beyond your classmates; Professors are actively involved in online class discussions and available to answer questions through phone and email. Read more about the successful professionals that make up our online faculty.

Access the Tools You Need to Shape Your Future
Another way to learn about online classes at DeVry University is to discover the breadth and power of the tools and resources we make available to help you achieve success.

Detailed materials for all your online courses
DeVry University's virtual library
Email with instructors and students
Online document sharing and dropbox for assignments
Web-based study tools and learning media with visual demonstrations
Tutoring is available to all students as an online resource, giving you access in real time to tutors who can help you with assignments and answer questions
Study notes
Live lectures scheduled and recorded every week in selected courses, based on student feedback
Fore more information visit online class today.

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